
  • 2023.5.8. 하루 영어
    ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 외국어 2023. 5. 8. 17:25

    1. over the hump

    고비를 넘기다

    • After working for six months, we are finally over the hump and can see the end of the project.
    • I was feeling sick for a week, but after resting for a few days, I finally feel like I am over the hump.
    • Our team was struggling in the first half, but we were able to turn it around and get over the hump for a win.
    • After years of struggling financially, they finally got over the hump and started making a profit.
    • With the hardest part of the training over the hump, the athletes felt more confident about their upcoming competition.


    2. catch the present high tide

    물 들어올 때 노 젓다

    • The phrase "catch the present high tide" is a metaphorical expression that means taking advantage of a favorable opportunity while it lasts. It refers to the idea of catching a wave during high tide, which provides the most optimal conditions for surfing. In a broader sense, it means to seize the moment and make the most of the current situation, rather than waiting for a better opportunity that may not come again.


    3. Hanging fire

    연기된, 지연된, 그러한 상황

    • to delay or postpone a decision or action, often because of uncertainty or indecisiveness
    • a situation where something is on hold or waiting for a resolution
    • The origins of the phrase come from firearms, where "hanging fire" describes a situation where the gunpowder in a firearm does not ignite immediately, causing a delay before the bullet is fired. This delay can be dangerous, as the shooter may assume that the gun has misfired and attempt to discharge it again, resulting in a potentially deadly explosion.
    • Metaphorically, "hanging fire" is used to describe situations where there is a delay or uncertainty, often leading to anxiety or unease.
    • The project is hanging fire until we receive more funding.
    • The company's decision on the merger is hanging fire pending further negotiations.
    • The trial is hanging fire until the witnesses can be located and subpoenaed.
    • The contract negotiations are hanging fire because of disagreements over pricing.
    • Our vacation plans are hanging fire until we can confirm our work schedules.


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