하루 영어 2023.5.15.ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 외국어 2023. 5. 15. 15:04
1. hinge A to B : A와 B를 접목시키다.
Another possibility is to hinge a substantial portion of further DL(development loans) to an A/B settlement in some credible manner.
The idea is to use the loans as an incentive to encourage the two countries to work together and find a resolution to their disagreement. The sentence further implies that this would only be effective if the linkage is made in a credible manner, meaning that it is seen as a real and meaningful incentive by both parties.
2. Insert @ as a condition precedent : @를 선행조건으로 삽입하다Inserting A/B settlement as a condition precedent might actually serve to delay rather than accelerate them.
A/B settlement를 선행조건으로 넣는 것이 바람직하지 않은 결과를 촉진하지 않고 딜레이 시킬 수 있다는 약한 예측.
3. embroil : 복잡하게 하다.American economic concessions became embroiled in domestic @ politics
The phrase "embroiled in" implies that the situation became complicated or messy, possibly due to conflicting interests or opinions within @ regarding the concessions.- The scandal embroiled several high-ranking officials in the government.
- The company's unethical practices embroiled it in a legal battle with multiple stakeholders.
- The controversial decision by the CEO embroiled the company in a public relations crisis.
- The student's careless actions embroiled him in a conflict with his classmates.
- The heated argument between the two neighbors embroiled the entire community in their dispute.
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