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  • [하루영어] 아시아의 미의 기준에 대한 생각
    ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 외국어 2023. 9. 13. 11:45


    나는 매일마다 미국친구와 함께 언어 공부를 하고 있다. 

    앞으로 블로그에 숙제를 해서 조금씩 올려 보려고 한다. 


    Your homework for tonight
    How has the beauty standards in Korea affected you?
    Do you think it will change in 20 years?
    Do you think the lighter you are the better?





    위의 영상은 아시아인들의 스킨톤에 대한 선호를 설명하고 있다. 

    주장을 정리하면, 

    "Skin bleaching became normalized due to the prevailing beauty standards in Asia."

    해당 비디오는 아시아 국가에서 하얀색 피부를 선호하는 것이 어떻게 사람들의 생각양식을 변화시키는 지에 대해서 비판적인 논조를 담고 있다. 

    나에게 이 숙제를 내 준 친구는 백인은 아닌 미국인 여성이고 생각이 깊은 친구이다. 그래서 이런 주제로 숙제를 내 준 것 같다.

    늘 나에게 생각 거리를 알려주는 현명한 친구에게 고맙다는 인사를 하며 숙제를 해 본다. 

    숙제는 아래의 질문에 4문장 정도로 대답하는 것이다!


    How have the beauty standards in Korea affected you? 

    Several different beauty standards
    Can’t generalize
    But, affected me
    Part of socialization
    Not follow blindly but not Stand out too much as well
    Related to the healthy state


    첫번째 시도

    There are several different beauty standards in South Korea. So, I cannot generalize the impact of them. But, I think they certainly affected my way of thinking whether in a good or bad way. I personally think we cannot live out of the context where we’re laid on. So, I try not to follow the beauty standards blindly. But, I also try not to stand out too much. In fact, I appreciate some beauty standards when they represent the state of being healthy such as having a good quality of skin and body in shape. 



    There are several different beauty standards in South Korea, so I cannot generalize their impact. However, I believe they have certainly influenced my way of thinking, whether positively or negatively. Personally, I think it's challenging to completely separate ourselves from the cultural context we are placed in. Therefore, while I make an effort not to blindly adhere to beauty standards, I also try not to stand out excessively. In fact, I appreciate certain beauty standards, particularly when they promote aspects of health, like having good-quality skin and a fit body.

    사실 구어체로 할 때는 위의 첫번째 시도도 나쁘진 않다. 학술대화를 준비한다면 아래와 같이 부사를 잘 활용하자. 

    다만 of를 사용하는 버릇은 고쳐보자

    the impact of them -> their impact

    그리고 시제에 주의. 지금까지 영향을 미치므로 have shaped

    Do you think it will change in 20 years? 


    Yes. Has been changing.
    The ideal body shape
    Too skinny, curvy, healthy(slim and lean body)
    Surgery, a permanent effect 
    Skincare, eat healthy, exercise 

    첫번째 시도

    Yes. I've seen the beauty standards in South Korea have been changing. For example, our ideal body type has been changing. 10 years ago, the ideal type was a skinny body and many people wore skinny jeans. Then, we had a short period when people thought having a bit of a curve was better than just being skinny. If you remember, people thought entertainers like Sister and Yui were attractive. So, this is my policy. I don't do anything that may have a permanent effect on my body because the beauty trend changes and no need to fit myself into the temporal trend. What I do is something that I can do daily and have a positive effect on my general health such as home skincare, eating healthy, and exercising with people. 


    Yes, I've noticed that beauty standards in South Korea have been evolving. For instance, our ideal body type has undergone changes. A decade ago, being slender was highly sought after, and many people wore skinny jeans. Then, there was a brief period when having some curves was considered more attractive than just being skinny. You might recall that entertainers like Sister and Yui were seen as appealing during that time.

    So, here's my approach: I avoid anything that could have a permanent impact on my body because beauty trends change, and there's no need to conform to temporary fads. Instead, I focus on daily practices that positively impact my overall health, such as home skincare, maintaining a balanced diet, and engaging in regular exercise with others.


    plain verbs(be, do, see, sound, etc) -> active verbs(notice, recognize... etc)

    change -> evolve

    don't do -> avoid

    may and could : 

    Avoid noun usage and use active verbs instead. (have a positive effect -> positively impact

    impact 과 effect의 차이

    Do you think the lighter you are the better?


    시간이 없어서 이것은 내일 마저 해야겠다.

    그럼 오늘도 생산적인 하루 보내시길!


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