2023.2.9. 하루 영어ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 외국어 2023. 2. 10. 09:10
1. The dissipation of: 1 the process of gradually disappearing: 2 loss of energy, for example when something cools down:
The dissipation of psychological barriers enabled us to initiate our attempts to tackle with the core issues where our interests converge.
The dissipation of his fame was caused by something which was seemingly unrelated to what brought the fame.
The dissipation of their wealth resulted in their early divorce.
The dissipation of anxiety may require long-term therapy.Note that therapy is not a countable noun. You should say "two therapy sessions."
The differences between "result in" and "lead to"2. propositions
This is one of the most amazing propositions in physics, the idea that galaxies like a Milky Way that contained a hundred million stars once began life as a tiny little crack in the fabric of the universe.
He believed that the most real things in life were ideas - propositions that can be known through pure reason. (-Decartes) Rationalism - Belief that reason is the most reliable source of knowledge.
Markets basically average out everything, so you can't beat the market. And, that's one of the basic propositions of efficient markets.
While a plausible explanation, a more demanding test of this argument leads to some implausible propositions
Some of the other kinds of claims that are problematic, are the claims of forensic scientists that they can assess the probability that certain propositions are true, like, " I think it's highly probable that the bite mark found on this victim came from this dog's teeth. "3. confluence: the place where two rivers flow together and become one larger river; a situation in which two things join or come together:
This lucky confluence of science and art occured several hundred years before flight and modern computer changed the way we view the world yet again.
This happened that afternoon and evening. But, there was this confluence of ideas that was just stewing in my head.
One of the challenges is a confluence of attacks on multiple dimensions that really drag down confidence and awareness.-
The definitions of the words were cited from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/
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