2023.1.16. 영어ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 외국어 2023. 1. 16. 09:00
"Such inaction would have sent a message: Western powers won’t stand up for other democracies"
"when Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine"
annex @ from V
"Bolsonaro accepted a peaceful transition to the presidency of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva"
a peaceful transition to the presidency of (Next Leader) : 평화로운 권력이행
"after a 22-year-old woman died in the custody of the morality police"
custody: If someone is being held in a particular type of custody, they are being kept in a place that is similar to a prison. ; 아니면 아이의 양육권 친권.
morality police: 이란의 종교 경찰
"They are the longest-running anti-government protests"
protest(s) 복수형임.
"resentment over the country’s strict zero-Covid policies spilled over into unusually widespread protests that at times questioned the legitimacy of Xi Jinping’s rule"
resentment over somethinig
A spill over into B : A로 인해 B 발생
"the country’s one-party model is more effective and efficient than the competitive systems of Western democracies."
"@'s handling of Covid and the resulting economic downturn and public outcry show how the government blunders and causes big crises."
A and B and C show how S blunders and causes big crises.
show(plural verb)
outcry: a reaction of strong disapproval and anger shown by the public or media about a recent event.
blunder: you make a stupid or careless mistake.
"who continues to falsely question the outcome of the 2020 election"
"his endorsed candidates lost"
endorse: you say publicly that you support or approve of them.
we are now seeing a fatigue(a가 들어있음!!!!)
"the country’s independent news media has slowly collapsed"
media 는 그리스어 medium에서 왔지만 현대에는 단수취급으로 됨.
"Therefore, you should treat it as singular unless your sentence conveys the idea of lots of individuals within the media, in which case you should treat it as plural."
(참조: https://www.grammar-monster.com/lessons/media_singular_or_plural.htm)"@ won re-election after manipulating the rules in his favor"
manipulate the rules in someone's favor
wrote an article in @'s favor
Revised a comment in @'s favor
He was accused of leaving several false comments on sns in his company's favor.(그냥 내가 지어낸 응용문장)
"It was a much better year than it could have been"(예상은 안 좋았으나 실제는 더 나았다. much and even 차이)
Next time, I want to read about the current situation in China.
The definitions of words were cited from www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/
Collins English Dictionary | Definitions, Translations, Example Sentences and Pronunciations
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The original texts were cited from https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/03/briefing/democracy-elections.html
Democracy Fights Back
Last year’s democratic wins could have big implications.
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