2023.2.1. 오늘의 영어(미드 the Chosen)ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 외국어 2023. 2. 1. 16:39
오늘도 미드를 보면서 메모 해 왔던 단어들을 적고 외워보도록 하겠다.
출처는 미드 The chosen
1. Word travels fast.
(Jesus said this when everybody knew something about him - like location, what he did. My memory is unclear.)
Word travels fast in small communities like this.
Word travels pretty/really/literally fast in a small town
In the age of transparenty, word travels fast.2. Suit yourself.
: to do what one wants to do —used especially to tell people that they can do what they want even though one does not think it is what they should doDo you want to be alone? Suit yourself. I'm out of here.
I don't want to do the dishes at this moment.
Okay? Suit yourself.3. Observant: 눈치빠른/관찰력좋은 good or quick at noticing things:
원칙주의/율법주의 careful in obeying laws, rules, or customs:When the disciples of Jesus described the personlity of Mathew, they used this word. I think this expression suits his personality too. And the sarcastic tone of voice was well matched with the way the then Israelites treated a tax collector who was often times considered as a traitor. Maybe they also used this word for Pharisees or Sadducees.
a ritually observant Jewish German
They're not going to question reality too much. They're going to stay observant to everything.
Somebody with an observant eye will notice that there is more going on inside and underneath.
The more fundamental skill is being observant, paying attention to people's non-verbal behavior.One time I thought I wanted to become more observant of the things around me and attempted to horn the skill.
But, that was not as easy as it might sound.-
The Chosen
reference links
Definition of SUIT ONESELF
to do what one wants to do —used especially to tell people that they can do what they want even though one does not think it is what they should do… See the full definition
2. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/observant
1. good or quick at noticing things: 2. obeying religious rules or customs…
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