
  • 2023.1.31. 오늘의 영어(미드 the Chosen)
    ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 외국어 2023. 1. 31. 12:01

    지난 주말부터 미드 The Chosen을 보기 시작했다.

    보면서 메모 해 왔던 단어들을 적고 외워보도록 하겠다. 


    아래는 해당 미드에서 나온 단어들.

    단어만 기억나는 경우 예문은 다른 곳에서 가져왔다. 


    1. Snap out of it: to stop experiencing something unpleasant or stop behaving in a negative way:
    (우울감이나 나쁜 감정을 떨쳐내라는 경우에도 사용되는듯.) 

    You just don't tell them to snap out of it and get out of bed. (우울증으로 힘든 사람에게 그냥 이겨내! 이러면 안 됨)
    There might be some people that say, "Just snap out of it. Why are you so unhappy?"
    You need to snap out of it and see yourself more objectively.
    If you find yourself doing this, take a moment to snap out of it.
    I needed somebody to help me to snap out of it. 
    Don't say snap out of it and get over it. You'll be fine. It's just a phase they'll grow out of it. 


    2. Extortions: to get something by force or threats, or with difficulty:

    Not only @1 potentially engaged in an abuse of power, potentially bribery, potentially extortion, but also those around him are taking steps to cover up those efforts to extort the @2 president. 
    Basically, you've been given a license to then extort money from people. 
    With less territory, the group has less taxes to collect, people to extort, banks to rob and women to enslave and sell.
    becoming especially dependent on drug trafficking, extortion, and other illegal practices


    3. Ravine: a deep narrow valley with steep sides

    Nicodemus는 예수님을 만나기 위해서라면 어디든 가겠다고 하면서 이야기했다.
    험악한 골짜기 이런 느낌으로 부정적 connotation을 가진 느낌의 단어이다. 
    You're going to live in an inhabitable ravine that is polluted.
    The wooded slopes, the deep ravine and the fog, the dense smoke and real confusion of troops moving in different directions under different orders utterly precludes the possibility of a correct detailed observation of a battle.
    The fact of the matter is she fell into a ravine.


    4. Insolent: (of a person or a person’s behavior) intentionally and rudely showing no respect:

    예의 없는 특히 어린 사람들과 자주 등장하는 단어인 것 같다. 生意気な
    성경에서는 이스라엘 백성들이 하나님을 두려워하지 않거나 순종하지 않고
    자기 소견에 옳은대로 마음대로 하려고 할 때의 태도를 일컫는 말로 자주 쓰이는 것 같다. 
    They became insolent and they rose up against Moses.
    They are gossips, slanders, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful. They invent ways of doing evil.


    5. Slander: (noun) statements that someone makes about another person that are not true and that harm their reputation, or the crime of making these statements: (verb) to damage someone's reputation by making a false spoken statement about them 험담 이간질 공갈 이런 느낌

    We hereby protest the civilised world against the lies and slander with which our enemies are endeavoring to stain the honor of Germany. (Manifesto of the 93(1914)
    It is interesting to note that boys generally like to name-call and use threats, and girls generally use slander and gossip to gain social power. (제 의견은 아닙니다. 그냥 예문)
    name call: Verbal abuse; insulting language. (험한 말)



    The Chosen



    The definitions of the words were cited from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/


    Cambridge Dictionary | English Dictionary, Translations & Thesaurus

    The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.



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