
  • 2023.2.7. 하루 영어
    ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 외국어 2023. 2. 7. 13:11


    1. precariously unpredictable

    precarious: in a dangerous state because of not being safe or not being held in place firmly:

    A precarious situation is likely to get worse:


    fleeting: short or brief

    More Americans live precarious economic lives and are utterly unprepared for an emergency that suddenly increases their expenses or reduces their income.

    The nature of fossile record tells us that our place on this planet is both precarious and potentially fleeting.

    How precarious do you think free speech right now in China mainland but also Hong Kong specifically?


    2. convergent security interests

    convergent: coming closer together or becoming more similar

    Instead of defaulting to our normal convergent approach where we make the best choice out of available alternatives, it encourages us to take a divergent approach. 

    With the rise sense of the new cold war, Japan and South Korea are now focusing on their convergent security interests more than their previous history. 

    We were in a convergent plate boundary that is two plates from moving forward. 


    3. marred : (past-perfect) to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable:

    Relations between @ and @ have been marred persistently by friction since normalization in @@.
    The previous administration was marred by corruption and misinformation, which has done little to boost the country's standing around the world. 
    You will find once-thriving cities marred by empty lots and once-booming industrial towns that have become rusted and are in total disrepair. 


    4. caustic: 1) A caustic chemical burns or destroys things, especially anything made of living cells:
    2) A caustic remark or way of speaking is hurtful, critical, or intentionally unkind:

    protracted and caustic negotiations before formal ties were established. 
    His responses, when challenged about his support of the Act, were caustic. 
    Many of the resulting chemical by-products were caustic and could potentially cause great harm if someone came into direct contact with them.
    While the conditions in Palestine became increasingly caustic for Jews living there, Babylon's Jewish communities, which had existed since the time of the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE, started to flourish in Sura and Pumbeditha around the later part of the second century. 


    5. interlocutor: 1) 대화참여자 someone who is involved in a conversation; 2) 대표자로 대화참가자 someone who is involved in a conversation and who is representing someone else:; 3) 중개자 someone who arranges a deal or agreement between two organizations or groups, or who speaks on behalf of an organization or group of people:

    @ has acted as a critical interlocutor.
    It was a tall order to find an interlocutor who could activate to the fullest this opportunity for engagement with [name] , but we have somehow found the ideal person. 
    Through a series of agreements, the United States and the Soviet Union, with Great Britain often acting as an interlocutor, felt they had come to a sort of uneasy agreement about, who would have influence in what places, as well as the processes that govern the political settlements and eastern Europe. 


    6. aggrandize: to make someone more powerful or important

    self-aggrandizing accounts: 스스로 강하거나 잘나보이려고 하는 말들


    7. outright: completely or immediately 

    outright denial of involvement in events



    The definitions of the words were cited from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/


    Cambridge Dictionary | English Dictionary, Translations & Thesaurus

    The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.



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