
  • Everything happens for a reason.
    ENTJ 취미/ENTJ와 사색 2023. 2. 11. 16:59


    Today was a day when I felt a bit insecure. 

    The pain that I thought it's gone started again and new pain added up even. 
    That happened when the previous condition was hard enough to put me in a situation where I doubt my recovery.

    I know there should always be ups and downs throughout the healing process.

    But, today was just a day when I couldn't keep myself together. 

    Coming back to this blog and going through my rehab journals, I was able to regain my composure. 
    Initially, I knew that I would have fluctuations in my healing process. But, facing the reality of the fluctuations is somewhat different from expecting them to take place. 

    However, what I have written actually helps me a lot when I'm in need. 
    I can analyze my symptoms and conditions objectively when I feel some negative emotions. 
    Those posts cleared my mind today. 

    Actually, my condition is not as bad as I thought this afternoon. 
    I tried a new routine and it's just beyond my current capacity. 
    But, I got better at performing the previous routine that I was unable to do 2 weeks ago.

    It's a learning process. 
    We learn from mistakes.
    And, it was not a terrible mistake which I can't recover from. 

    Tomorrow, the sun comes up again.
    I will have another chance to make up. 
    I will make the most of each day.
    Even though this rehabilitation routine is not as easy as I expected it to be at the beginning, I'm actually feeling the taste of life to the fullest throughout this challenging journey. 

    I will overcome this challenge and say, my Lord is alive. 
    If I can get the right lessons, I'll be able to help others. 
    Everything happens for a reason.
    I will eventually realize what I should learn from this process. 

    My God got my back as always.
    I am not alone. I GOT THIS!


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